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FROLLA Shortcrust pastry
€ 2,00
Soft wheat flour Italian type "0". Shortcrust pastry, pâte brisée, small cakes and pastries, biscuits, sweet and savoury shortcrust pastries. Weak flour with low protein content. It allows the formation of a smooth, homogeneous dough in a short time. Good fat absorption capacity. Suitable for making dough with the straight dough method without leavening; finished products have the right texture, neither too hard (hardening of the shortcrust) nor too crumbly (excessive crumbling of the shortcrust). Cereal used Blend of Italian GMO free soft wheat varieties.
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€ 2,50
Soft wheat flour Italian type "00". Panettone, pandoro, colombe, nadalin and leavened products in general. Very strong flour with excellent capacity to absorb liquids, bind with fat and combine well with other ingredients added to the dough e.g. chocolate, honey, sultanas, etc. It retains its texture even with long fermentation. It allows the formation of a strong and tenacious dough, which develops considerably during baking due to the capacity to retain the carbon dioxide without collapsing. This flour is suitable for the preparation of dough with the straight dough and the sponge and dough methods, which require long fermentation times, for making leavened cakes, such as: pandoro, panettone, colombe, and may also be used in varying percentages to reinforce weaker flours. Cereal used Blend of Canadian and European GMO free soft wheat varieties.
Type 0 soft wheat flour. Ideal for focaccia and other leavened products, babà, savarin Good absorption. It allows to obtain finished products with regular and fine honeycomb. Supports long fermentations. Preparation of doughs with direct method and of doughs with indirect method. This product is only available in the Easter period
€ 4,50
PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS SWEETS Ginger Bell was born from the idea of associating a traditional Christmas product with delicate and refined tastes, following the company philosophy "tradition and innovation". The elements have been studied and chosen to obtain a biscuit that satisfies all types of palates, even the most demanding. A perfect product to celebrate the Christmas period in the kitchen with the little ones! Pack of 250 gr. Ingredients '0' type soft wheat flour Natural aroma Ginger 4% Concentrated dehydrated pomegranate juice